Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Vladimir V. Putin, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan

(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Xi Jinping, Putin, el-Sisi and Erdogan. Now drunk on power.
I ate Xi Jinping, Putin, el-Sisi and Erdogan. Now drunk on power.

 "... The list includes Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, all of whom have abandoned most pretenses that they rule according to the people’s will. Authoritarianism is also reappearing in places like Hungary and Poland that barely a quarter century ago shook loose the shackles of Soviet oppression. ..." 

Read... https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/26/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-authoritarianism.html?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And this one too... 'We have had enough' say Hungarians rallying against PM Orban
    Read: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1PD0K1


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