Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Peter Thiel


I ate Peter Thiel's Plantir. Now doing the "Cambridge Analytica Facebook Purge".
I ate Peter Thiel's Plantir. Now doing the "Cambridge Analytica Facebook Purge".

Palantir and Cambridge Analytica... What is Palantir? Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, the company focuses on big data analysis and was founded in 2004 by Peter Thiel, Nathan Gettings, Joe Lonsdale, Stephen Cohen, and Alex Karp. ..." 


"... Thiel supported Donald Trump and became one of the pledged California delegates for Trump's nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He was also a headline speaker during the convention, during which he announced that he was "proud to be gay". On October 15, 2016, Thiel announced a $1.25 million donation in support of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Thiel stated to The New York Times: "I didn’t give him any money for a long time because I didn’t think it mattered, and then the campaign asked me to." After Trump's victory, Thiel was named to the executive committee of the President-elect's transition team. ..." 


"... FORBES broke the news that Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel bankrolled Hulk Hogan's infamous sex-tape lawsuit against the now-bankrupt Gawker. You might be wondering: so what? Why should I care? Critics have argued that Thiel's money gives other billionaires a blueprint for how to silence media outlets they dislike. ..." 


Monday, March 26, 2018

Colion Noir aka Collins Iyare Idehen Jr.


I ate Colion Noir. aka Collins Iyare Idehen, Jr. Now have an identity crisis, rash of immaturity and blindness.
I ate Colion Noir. aka Collins Iyare Idehen, Jr. Now have an identity crisis, rash of immaturity and blindness.

"... Colion Noir is a pseudonym for Collins Iyare Idehen Jr., a lawyer and gun rights activist... ..." 

"... “I just think it’s a testament to the sick immaturity and broken state of our government when these people feel the need to peddle conspiracy theories about people that were in a school shooting where 17 people died, and it just makes me sick,” David Hogg told BuzzFeed News. “It’s immature, rude and inhuman for these people to destroy the people trying to prevent the death of the future of America because they won’t.” ..."


#MarchForOurLives #Whatif #BoycottNRA #NeverAgain #emma4change #msdstrong

Saturday, March 24, 2018

John Bolton


I ate John Bolton, Now itching for a fight.
I ate John Bolton, Now itching for a fight.

"... “He has no problems with the doctrine of preemption..." ..." 

"... The difference, however, is that Kudlow’s kooky ideas have little chance of enactment given the tenuous Republican control of Congress. Bolton’s foreign-policy notions can be quickly operationalized, given the near-total command the Executive branch has over foreign policy. What’s more, those ideas have the potential to kill large numbers of people. Bolton has long been estranged from a substantial segment of his own party, which regards him as dangerous. ..." 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Alexander Nix


I ate Alexander Nix. Now faceless but still have my 50 million 'Friends'.
I ate Alexander Nix. Now faceless but still have my 50 million 'Friends'.

"... Britain’s data protection agency said it was pursuing a warrant to investigate political research firm Cambridge Analytica after an exposé alleging the misuse of data from 50 million Facebook users and the offer of dirty tricks – including honey traps and scams– by executives of the data company. ..." 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Austin Bomber


I ate the Austin Bomber. Now sick on racism.
I ate the Austin Bomber. Now sick on racism.



 "... Two of the people killed after handling the packages were members of African-American families with deep roots in the city’s black, religious and civil-rights groups. ..." 


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bruce Rauner

(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Bruce Rauner and his very wealthy friends. Now staggering under their influence.
I ate Bruce Rauner and his very wealthy friends. Now staggering under their influence.

"... The rich families remaking Illinois are among a small group around the country who have channeled their extraordinary wealth into political power, taking advantage of regulatory, legal and cultural shifts that have carved new paths for infusing money into campaigns. Economic winners in an age of rising inequality, operating largely out of public view, they are reshaping government with fortunes so large as to defy the ordinary financial scale of politics. In the 2016 presidential race, a New York Times analysis found last month, just 158 families had provided nearly half of the early campaign money. ..."

"... Mr. Rauner’s agenda: to cut spending and overhaul the state’s pension system, impose term limits and weaken public employee unions. ..."


Friday, March 16, 2018

Hybrid Warfare

(this) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate a hybrid warfare stew. Now numb all over.
I ate a hybrid warfare stew. Now numb all over.

"... Russia’s hybrid strategy combines military force and more subtle tactics designed to thwart the ambitions of rivals, according to Russian military officials and Western analysts who watch Moscow. Tactics deployed include the use of conventional and special military operations; propaganda; economic and diplomatic pressure; and assassinations. ..." 

"... In response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Hoffman expanded his definition: “Sophisticated campaigns that combine low-level conventional and special operations; offensive cyber and space actions; and psychological operations that use social and traditional media to influence popular perception and international opinion.” ..." 


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Rodrigo Duterte


I ate Rodrigo Duterte. Now I'm inhumanely sick.
I ate Rodrigo Duterte. Now I'm inhumanely sick.

"... Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte intends to pull his country out of the International Criminal Court (ICC), shortly after the judicial body launched a crimes against humanity investigation into his controversial war on drugs ..."

"...Police are thought to have killed more than 4,100 people since Duterte took office in May 2016 and rights groups allege approximately 8,000 others have been murdered during the country's war on drugs. ..." 


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thomas D. Homan


I ate Thomas D. Homan. Now cold as 'ICE' and filled up on lies
I ate Thomas D. Homan. Now cold as 'ICE' and filled up on lies.

 "... The San Francisco spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has resigned over what he described as “false” and “misleading” statements made by top-ranking officials, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and ICE Acting Director Thomas D. Homan. ..."


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo

(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo. Now feel like pulling out my fingernails.
I ate Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo. Now feel like pulling out my fingernails.

"... As a clandestine officer at the Central Intelligence Agency in 2002, Gina Haspel [3/13/18 named Director CIA] oversaw the torture of two terrorism suspects and later took part in an order to destroy videotapes documenting their brutal interrogations at a secret prison in Thailand. ..."

"... But President Trump has said repeatedly that he thinks torture works. And the new C.I.A. chief, Mike Pompeo, [3/13/18 named Secretary of State] has said that waterboarding and other techniques do not even constitute torture, and praised as “patriots”... ..."


Monday, March 12, 2018

John Kapoor


I ate John Kapoor. Now hooked on greed and opioids.
I ate John Kapoor. Now hooked on greed and opioids.

"... The same day President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency, the federal government said it arrested a wealthy pharmaceutical company executive on charges of bribing doctors to needlessly prescribe his firm’s opioid painkiller. ... The Department of Justice arrested Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor, 74, in Phoenix, it said Thursday. Kapoor was charged with using bribes and fraud to prop up sales of a pain medication called Subsys, a fentanyl spray typically used to treat cancer patients suffering excruciating pain. ... “These Insys executives allegedly fueled the opioid epidemic by paying doctors to needlessly prescribe an extremely dangerous and addictive form of fentanyl,” Phillip Coyne, special agent in charge for the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said in a press release. “The allegations of selling a highly addictive opioid cancer pain drug to patients who did not have cancer, make them no better than street-level drug dealer,” added Harold Shaw, a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent. ..."


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Marine LePen

(she) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Marine LePen. Not 'malade' in French too.
I ate Marine LePen. Now 'malade' in French too.

"... PARIS, France — Former White House strategist Steve Bannon re-energized France's struggling far-right National Front party Saturday by speaking at a party congress and telling Marine Le Pen's nationalist supporters: "History is on our side." ... "Let them call you racist. Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists. Wear it as a badge of honor," he told the crowd at the party congress. ..." 


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Peter C. Wright

(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Peter C. Wright. Tastes like Chemicals.
I ate Peter C. Wright. Tastes like Chemicals.

"... The White House announced that Trump has nominated Peter C. Wright to serve as EPA's assistant administrator for Land and Emergency Management. Wright has worked as a corporate lawyer at Dow Chemical Co. since 1999. ... Wright's nomination is the latest example of the president appointing corporate lawyers or lobbyists to supervise federal offices that directly regulate their former employers. ..."


Friday, March 9, 2018

Trump's Tariffs Order

(this) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Trump's tariffs order. Now sick o protectionism.
I ate Trump's tariffs order. Now sick on protectionism.

"... “The tariff action coupled with the mishandled renegotiations of existing trade deals have alienated the very countries we need as allies to help confront the challenges posed by China,” said Daniel M. Price, a former Bush White House adviser. ..."

"... If the World Trade Organization rules against the United States, the Trump administration will have to decide whether to reverse its decision or go up against the organization. If the United States ignores or withdraws from the group, it could precipitate a breakdown in global trading rules and a new era of global protectionism. “It opens up this horrible Pandora’s box, and we don’t know where that leaves other countries or where that leaves the W.T.O.,” said Monica de Bolle, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. ..."

"... In 2002, President George W. Bush imposed steel tariffs of up to 30 percent. But facing an adverse ruling by the World Trade Organization and retaliation by trading partners, he lifted them 15 months before the end of the planned three-year duration. Studies found that more jobs were lost than saved and Republican leaders vowed not to repeat the experiment. ..."


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kirstjen Nielsen

(she) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Kirstjen Nielsen. Now feel all cruel and void of compassion.
I ate Kirstjen Nielsen. Now feel all cruel and void of compassion.

"...WHAT, EXACTLY, did a 7-year-old Congolese girl do to the United States to deserve the trauma that has been visited upon her — including forcible separation from her mother — by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and her immigration agents? ..."


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Marion Hammer

(she) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Marion Hammer. Now 'standing my ground' over dead bodies.
I ate Marion Hammer. Now 'standing my ground' over dead bodies.

"... Hammer was one of the chief architects of Florida's controversial 2005 "Stand Your Ground" law... Half the states now have the law, or one like it, on their books. ..."

"... "Marion Hammer and the NRA are the masterminds of a dangerous paranoid mentality... the mentality that is responsible for endangering all of our lives," Malte said. "It's based on a lie that you need to be armed to the teeth anywhere you go." ..."

Source: CNN - NRA's Marion Hammer stands her ground

"... an idea the NRA sells in general to its members. But she's been cultivating this "us against them" mindset since the 80s. So when she raises some issue, perhaps like a Republican lawmakers voted the wrong way on something and broken with the flock, she's taught hundreds of thousands if not nearly 2 million people to immediately respond to her requests, and that means emailing them, emailing the governor's office, telling them to not do the bad thing that they're about to do, or undo the bad thing that they have done, and that always results in many thousands of emails. She's proven that she can mobilize those people so effectively that everyone is not only aware of it but it's to some extent afraid of it. It's her leverage. ..."


(she) #hemakesmesicktoo

Monday, March 5, 2018

Steve Bannon


I ate Steve Bannon. Ruined my Roman Holiday.
I ate Steve Bannon. Ruined my Roman Holiday.

"... Italy's voters choose populists, deliver stinging rebuke to Europe ..."


"... The presence in Rome this weekend of Steve Bannon, right-wing populist architect of Donald Trump's White House campaign, was an indication of the stakes.
"I think if they create a coalition among all the populists it would be fantastic, it would terrify Brussels and pierce it in its heart," Bannon was quoted as saying in Sunday's Corriere della Sera. Roberto D'Alimonte of Rome's LUISS University said such an outcome would be "catastrophic" for the markets. But he said the 5-Stars will have to decide if they're going to join the right or the left if they're going to move from the opposition to actually help govern. ..."


"... The League, which has made a play for Italy’s neglected working class, is a sovereignist party that wants to send back immigrants and re-write European treaties. ..."


Sunday, March 4, 2018


(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate the GOP-Trump budget. Now sick and swollen up.
I ate the GOP-Trump budget. Now sick and swollen up.

"... As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion. Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion. ..."

"... The trillions fly by so fast these days, we can't even see them anymore. And afterwards we wonder: What was that? Where did it go? The Treasury Department, in its Financial Report for fiscal 2017, ( which it just released, and which was silenced to death by the media, shows where that money came from and where it went. Now, just add the tax cuts and the ballooning expenditures. ..."


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Jared Kushner


I ate Jared Kushner. Tastes like real estate.
I ate Jared Kushner. Tastes like real estate.

"... Shortly after Kushner Companies received the loan from Apollo, the private equity firm emerged as a beneficiary of the tax cut package that the White House championed. Mr. Trump backed down from his earlier pledge to close a loophole that permits private equity managers to pay taxes on the bulk of their income at rates that are roughly half of ordinary income tax rates. The tax law left the loophole largely intact. ..."


Popular Monsters