Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fox and Friends

(they) #hemakesmesicktoo

I ate Fox and Friends. Tastes like fiends.
I ate Fox and Friends. Tastes like fiends.

"... “First of all some of the news on Fox News is not really news at all. There’s no attempt at balance and a lot of what passes for news is actually right wing commentary. It’s essentially an extension of Trump’s Republican party and Trump’s ideas. So the people who watch it often I think they’re getting this distorted view of reality.” ..."

"...“The show manages to serve as a court sycophant, whispering in the ear of the king, criticizing his perceived enemies and fluffing his feathers.” ..."

Read... https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/sep/17/fox-and-friends-fox-news-donald-trump

#foxandfriends #fakenewsfactory #hemakesmesicktoo

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